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about 1 hour ago
write roadmap to create digital twin of car plasti...

Roadmap to Create Digital Twin of Car Plastic Exterior Parts with Injection Moulding:

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about 2 hours ago
rephrase this "Hi Anant, happy Friday. I was follo...

Hello Anant, I hope you're having a great Friday. I wanted to check in and see the progress of the L7 requirement. I have some candidates who are connected to Ps on the L6 level, but I'm concerned tha...

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"Nada florilor" is a novel written by Mihail Sadoveanu, one of the most prominent Romanian writers of the 20th century. The story takes place in the Carpathian Mountains and revolves around the lives ...

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about 3 hours ago
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Could you provide a list of functional skills that you would like to see in a candidate for Biz dev roles?

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